Below are the profiles of all scientific consortium members. Click on the CV do learn more about their background.
Tine De Moor (PI) is Professor of Social Enterprise and Institutions for Collective Action within the Department of Business-Society Management at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University and the Principal Investigator (PI) of the ECCO project. You can view her CV here.
CV Flor Avelino CV Caelesta Braun CV Darinka Czischke CV Tessa de Geus CV Jurian Edelenbos CV Carola van Eijk CV Amineh Ghorbani CV Lukas Held CV Ina Horlings CV Lise Jans CV Reinout Kleinhans CV Ingmar van Meerkerk CV Katja Rusinovic CV Geertje Slingerland CV Naomi van Stapele CV Jonas Torrens CV Ellen van der Werff CV Julia Wittmayer
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