Prof. dr. Willemien Den Ouden is appointed as a state councillor in the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Dutch Council of State. She has a part-time appointment at Leiden Law School as Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law and research fellow of the E.M. Meijers Research Institute. Her main field of expertise is financial administrative law (subsidy law, scarce public rights, European and national law concerning the European Structural Funds and state aid, education financing and benefits). The interaction of EU financial law and Dutch financial law plays a central role in her research. She participates in the research programmes 'The Legitimacy and Effectiveness of Law & Governance in a World of Multilevel Jurisdictions' and 'The Progression of EU Law: Accommodating Change and Upholding Values'. You can view her CV here.
Prof. dr. Ernst Hirsch Ballin is emeritus distinguished university professor at Tilburg University and emeritus professor of human rights law at the University of Amsterdam. He is a Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, a former Minister of Justice (1989-1994, 2006-2010), and a former member of the Council of State of the Netherlands. A selection of his publications in English was published under the title “Trust beyond borders” by Eleven Publishing in 2022. Until April 2024 he has been affiliated with the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) since 2014: until 2020 as a full member, since then as an advisory member. He is also involved with social organisations, currently serving as chairman of the supervisory board of the Anne Frank Foundation and as vice-chairman of the Achmea Association. You can view his CV here.
Dr. Esmée Driessen senior advisor on Democracy and the Rule of Law at the Raad van Openbaar Bestuur (ROB) and a guest lecturer and Thorbecke Fellow (chair of Decentralised Government) at Leiden University. In 2017, she graduated cum laude in Constitutional and Administrative Law from Maastricht University. After her studies, Dr. Driessen worked at the Faculty of Law of Leiden University. Here, between 2019 and 2023, she wrote her dissertation on citizen initiatives (Right to Challenge), which she successfully defended in June 2024. The thesis is titled: "Stimulation and facilitation of citizen initiatives by the government. On the 'serving' government in third generation citizen participation". You can view her CV here.
Dr. Enrique Santamaria Echeverria is assistant professor at the Department of Law & Markets of the Erasmus University Rotterdam and a project coordinator within the framework of the Dutch Sector Plan for Law. He received his doctoral degree at the University of Groningen in 2020 with a thesis on the limits to the validity of contracts on human tissue under EU law. His more recent academic interests explore the governance of digital and other converging technologies in healthcare. Dr. Santamaría studies different theories on health data commons, and the legal, political and ethical debates around AI applications in health. He has published in several European Journals. Dr. Santamaría is a member of the SSH breed Sector Plan on Digitalisation. You can view his CV here.
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